Certified Business Analysis Professional

The Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) designation is an award from the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) made to Business Analysts who have significant professional experience and have demonstrated sufficient breadth and depth of knowledge by sitting and passing a three-hour exam of 150 questions based on the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK).

Initially launched in North America, the CBAP was a written exam typically run in parallel with the Business Analysis World Symposium. Today it is possible to take this exam electronically, although still in a controlled environment.

As of May 31, 2011, there were 1328 individuals who had been designated Certified Business Analysis Professionals.



Before applying for the CBAP a Business Analyst must meet the following eligibility criteria:

Given the number of topics covered by the BABOK, the exam is only open to experienced Business Analysts, which IIBA deems to be those with at least five years professional experience in a BA role.
A verifiable 7500 hours of Business Analysis hands-on experience: recorded against individual projects and specific BA activities.[1]
Education and Training
Candidates must have achieved a minimum of a high-school qualification, and have had a least twenty-one hours of professional development in areas related to Business Analysis in the last four years.
Two people must give you adequate references that you are a suitable candidate for the CBAP. These can be your manager, a work colleague, a client, or someone you know who already has the CBAP.

When a Business Analyst has gathered sufficient evidence to demonstrate that they are an appropriate candidate for the CBAP, they can then submit this evidence with an application form and fee. The application fee is $125 USD, and the exam fees are $325 USD for IIBA members, or $450 USD for non-members.[2]

Keeping certified

Assuming candidates are successful in gaining the CBAP designation, they have an obligation to abide by the associated Code of Ethics (i.e. comport themselves in a professional manner), and every three years to be recertified (by proving sufficient ongoing professional development).


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